Holy Cross is encouraging parishoners to pray and reflect on becoming an Extraordinary Minister of the Holy Communion or a Lector.
(Thursdays following 7:00 am mass- 6:00 pm Check bulletin for changes in schedule)
Exposition is a manner of honoring the Holy Eucharist by exposing it, with proper solemnity, to the view of the faithful in order that they may pay their devotions before It. Please see the sign up sheet in the vestibule.
Altar Servers
Altar Servers assist the priests at Mass. Children, both male and female, who have received their First Eucharist are eligible to begin the training.
Altar Society
This ministry serves the needs of the altar by caring for all altar linens and the priest's vestments. The society cleans, repairs, and replaces them as necessary. The altar Society is responsible for maintaining the proper supply of wine, hosts, and candles to meet the Liturgical needs of the parish. Each member is assigned a few weekends a year to perform "housekeeping" duties within the church.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
(Church/ Home Communion/ First Friday Home Communion)
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion assist priests and deacons in the distribution of Holy Communion during the mass and/or at home to those that are not able to attend mass.
Call office (979) 335-7551
Disciples on the Journey
Disciples on the Journey is a lectionary-based resource for adults that includes a commentary, faith-sharing questions, ways to live as disciples, a saint of the week, and closing prayers with rituals. It is used during the six weeks of Lent to help reflect on the Sunday readings, share faith with one another, and ponder God's call to serve our bothers and sisters.
Faith Formation
The Holy Cross Faith Formation offers extended learning classes and Children and Youth Programs (CCD) RCIA classes are also instructed to those joining the Church.
Plase contact the Faith Formation office (979) 335-4071
Hispanic Ministry
The Hispanic Ministry offers members of the parish the opportunity to participate in a Spanish mass and celebrate feast days in the Spanish tradition.
Church office (979) 335-7551
The objective of the Minister of the Word is not merely to be an interesting oral reader of the Bible, it is to provide effective proclamation of God's Word in Scripture. Effective proclamation of the Scriptures depends on the quality of how the lector prepared to minister to the congregation.
Church office (979) 335-7551
Our ushers and greeters are the first people you meet when you arrive to Mass. They serve as greeters and hospitality to help seat parishioners and generally assist the congregation through the liturgy.
Church office (979) 335-7551
Music Ministries
A variety of musicians and singers assist our worshippers in song at all Saturday and Sunday masses. Polka Mass Choir embraces the ethnic culture of our community's heritage, a quarterly mass is celebrated with authentic polka tunes and Czech traditions.
Call office (979) 335-7551
The sacristans are responsible for preparing the altar for worship prior to each Mass or other liturgical service. This includes outfitting the credence table with sufficient wine and hosts for the service along with aporopriate number of patens, cups , purificators, hand towels, bowels, pitchers or other liturgical items needed, The sacristans also see to it that all items are cleaned and put away following the liturgy.
Senior Citizen Dinner
The Seniors Citizen Dinner is an annual event in which members of the parish help organize a meal/ program for the seniors of the community.
Call office (979) 335-7551